37 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 33 from 2014:
Money market funds in the EU and the US : regulation and practice
OUP Oxford 2014
xxxii, 374 pages ; 26 cm
Primer on international copyright and related rights
Edward Elgar, 2014
x, 267 pages ; 24 cm.
What makes law : an introduction to the philosophy of law
Cambridge University Press 2014
xii, 208 pages ; 23 cm.
The structure of pluralism : on the authority of associations
Oxford University Press 2014
xii, 271 pages ; 24 cm.
The dynamics of law and morality : a pluralist account of legal interactionism
Lund Humphries Publishers 2014
xiii, 186 pages ; 24 cm
Justice reform and development : rethinking donor assistance to developing and transition countries
xi, 265 pages ; 25 cm.
Having a say : indigenous peoples, international law and free, prior and informed consent
437 pages ; 25 cm
Fairness in antitrust : protecting the strong from the weak
Hart Pub Limited 2014
ix, 220 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Natural law : a Jewish, Christian, and Muslim trialogue
Oxford University Press, 2014
ix, 231 p. ; 23 cm.
Our word is our bond : how legal speech acts
Stanford Law Books 2014
xi, 217 pages ; 23 cm
Criminal law and cultural diversity
Oxford University Press 2014
xii, 210 pages : illustration ; 24 cm
The legal philosophy and influence of Jeremy Bentham : essays on 'Of the limits of the penal branch of jurisprudence'
xii, 422 pages ; 24 cm.
Legal traditions of the world : sustainable diversity in law
Oxford University Press 2014
xxvi, 423 pages ; 25 cm
Predatory pricing in antitrust law and economics : a historical perspective
xiii, 323 pages ; 24 cm.
Understanding antitrust and its economic implications
xxiv, 467 pages, 18 variously numbered pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Redeeming the dream : the case for marriage equality
Viking Adult 2014
310 pages, [16] unnumbered pages of plates ; 24 cm
Off and running : a practical guide to legal research, analysis, and writing
Aspen Publishers 2014
xviii, 256 pages ; 26 cm.
Synthesis : legal reading, reasoning, and writing
Aspen Publishers 2014
xxix, 422 pages ; 26 cm.
Transforming the education of lawyers : the theory and practice of clinical pedagogy
FT Press 2014
xxi, 420 pages ; 26 cm
Environmental law and contrasting ideas of nature : a constructivist approach
Cambridge University Press 2014
xviii, 343 pages ; 24 cm
The Susskind interviews : legal experts in changing times
Sweet & Maxwell 2005
xxv, 349 pages ; 24 cm
Town and gown : legal strategies for effective collaboration
Amer Bar Assn 2013
xxx, 406 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Religion, law and society
Cambridge University Press 2014
xii, 277 pages ; 24 cm.
Family justice : the work of family judges in uncertain times
Hart Pub Limited 2013
viii, 229 pages ; 25 cm
The constitutional parent : rights, responsibilities, and the enfranchisement of the child
Yale University Press 2014
x, 345 pages ; 25 cm
Criminal judges : legitimacy, courts and state-induced guilty pleas in Britain
xvi, 298 pages ; 24 cm
Asylum--a right denied : a critical analysis of European asylum policy
Lund Humphries Publishers 2014
264 pages ; 24 cm.
EU asylum procedures and the right to an effective remedy
Hart Pub Limited 2014
xii, 413 pages ; 24 cm.
Nationalism and private law in Europe
Hart Pub Limited 2014
xvi, 315 pages ; 25 cm.
A public empire : property and the quest for the common good in imperial Russia
ix, 435 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Law and religion in Indonesia : conflict and the courts in West Java
xxxvi, 214 pages : maps ; 24 cm.
The International Court of Justice and the judicial function
Oxford University Press 2014
xxv, 330 pages ; 24 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.