13 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 8 from 2014:
Trade-marks and unfair competition law in Canada : cases and commentary
Carswell, 2014
xviii, 1350 pages ; 25 cm.
Sullivan on the construction of statutes
LexisNexis Canada, 2014
xliv, 881 pages ; 24 cm.
Musicians and the law in Canada : a guide to the law, contracts and practice in the Canadian music business.
Carswell, 2014
664 pages ; forms : 22cm.
Judicial deference to administrative tribunals in Canada : its history and future
xxiii, 270 pages; 23 cm.
Canadian guide to uniform legal citation = Manuel canadien de référence juridique.
1 volume (various pagings) ; 23 cm
Mark Twain vs. lawyers, lawmakers, and lawbreakers : humorous observations
xi, 121 pages ; 23 cm
Glossarium juridico-danicum : det er: Alle gamle danske glosers rette forklaring som findis udi de Skonske. Sielandske oc Judske lowbøger, saa oc kong. recesser, handfestninger, gaards oc søretter, rigens oc birckeretter, ohne mandater oc breffue : tienendis tillige: til it general-register offuer ald huis forneffnde lower oc forordninger indeholder, letteligen effter en huers fornødenhed at finde, alle som enten active eller passive foraarsagis retten at betiene, til nytte oc gaffn sammenstreffuit
Prentet udi Kiøbenhaffn Aff Melchior Martzan, 1641
[21], 608, [24] pages, [2] leaves of plates : illustrations, 2 genealogical tables (folded) ; 19 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.