19 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 5 from 2015:
Feminism in the subcontinent and beyond : challenging laws, changing laws
xxxi, 414 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 25 cm
The Canadian private investigator's professional guidebook
433 pages ; 23 cm
The devil's advocate : a spry polemic on how to be seriously good in court
xx, 443 pages ; 19 cm
The creation of the common law : the medieval "year books" deciphered
xx, 371 pages ; 24 cm.
The practical guide to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Carswell Legal Publications 2008
xxvi, 433 pages ; 23 cm.
The judicial mind in Sri Lanka : responding to the protection of minority rights
298 pages ; 21 cm.
The police officers manual of criminal offences and criminal law
Carswell Legal Publications 1999
xlv, 800 pages ; 18 cm.
The Canadian security professionals guide
Carswell Legal Publications 2009
738 pages ; 18 cm.
Anunfinished struggle : for the independence of the judiciary
xxxvii, 425 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 22 cm
Proof : how to analyse evidence in preparation for trial
xiv, 254 pages ; 22 cm.
Salhany's police manual of arrest, seizure & interrogation.
xxxii, 330 pages ; 18 cm.
From crime to punishment : an introduction to the criminal law system
Scarborough, Ont. : Carswell 2010
xlviii, 664 pages ; 23 cm
Cybercrime in Canadian criminal law
Carswell Legal Publications 2010
xxii, 239 pages ; 23 cm
Hutchison's search warrant manual 2015: a guide to legal and practical issues associated with judicial pre-authorization of investigative techniques
xxxiv, 427 pages : forms ; 22 cm.

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.