29 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 22 from 2015:
Parliaments and human rights : redressing the democratic deficit
Hart Pub Limited 2015
xviii, 520 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Advanced introduction to international trade law
Edward Elgar Pub 2015
x, 215 pages ; 23 cm.
Sugar and the making of international trade law
Cambridge University Press 2014
xvii, 250 pages ; 24 cm.
Natural law and comparative law
Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing 2015
396 pages ; 24 cm.
International financial and monetary law
Oxford University Press, USA 2015
l, 626 pages; 26 cm
Philosophical explorations of justice and taxation : national and global issues
Springer 2015
vii, 236 pages ; 24 cm.
Roman law in the state of nature : the classical foundations of Hugo Grotius' natural law
Cambridge University Press 2015
xvi, 268 pages ; 24 cm.
Disabled justice? : access to justice and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 2015
x, 179 pages ; 24 cm
The dead Duke : his secret wife and the missing corpse
Head of Zues 2014
xiii, 384 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color) ; 21 cm
They shall grow not old
14 pages : illustrations, map, portraits (some color)
The law emprynted and englysshed : the printing press as an agent of change in law and legal culture, 1475-1642
Hart Pub Limited 2015
xv, 308 pages ; 24 cm
The savvy pension lawyer.
Ontario Bar Association, Continuing Professional Development, 2014
1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cm
A legal history of the Civil war and Reconstruction : a nation of rights
Cambridge University Press 2015
xii, 212 pages ; 22 cm.
Scotland's constitution : law and practice
Tottel Publishing 2015
l, 510 pages ; 24 cm
Magna Carta : law, liberty, legacy
272 pages : illustrations (black and white, and colour), facsimiles (black and white, and colour) ; 29 cm
The day the king died : a terrible miscarriage of justice
Waterside Press 2015
239 pages ; 24 cm
Parliamentary sovereignty in the UK constitution : process, politics and democracy
Hart Pub Limited 2015
xii, 366 pages ; 24 cm.
The politics of judicial independence in the UK's changing constitution
Cambridge University Press 2015
x, 293 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Real property step-by-step series : a practical guide to commercial leases
Ontario Bar Association, Continuing Professional Development, 2015
1 volume (various pagings) ; 28 cm
Aboriginal peoples, colonialism and international law : raw law
xiv, 188 pages ; 24 cm.
Mental condition defences and the criminal justice system : perspectives from law and medicine
Cambridge Scholars Pub 2015
xvii, 447 pages ; 22 cm
Investigating terrorism : current political, legal and psychological issues
John Wiley & Sons 2015
xiv, 271 pages ; 25 cm
Advanced introduction to international humanitarian law
Edward Elgar Pub 2014
xi, 216 pages ; 23 cm.
The UN international criminal tribunals : transition without justice?
Routledge 2015
xv, 290 pages ; 24 cm.

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.