17 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 17 from 2015:
Proof of causation in tort law
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xxiv, 429 pages ; 24 cm.
La personne humaine : entre autonomie et vulneÌrabiliteÌ : meÌlanges en l'honneur d'EÌdith Deleury
EÌditions Yvon Blais, 2015
xlv, 620 pages ; 24 cm
Reconciling international trade and labor protection : why we need to bridge the gap between ILO standards and WTO rules
Lexington Books , 2015
xxvii, 225 pages ; 24 cm
Research handbook on transnational labour law
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2015
xiv, 588 pages ; 25 cm.
Redfern and Hunter on international arbitration
Oxford University Press, 2015
lxxiv, 711 pages ; 25 cm
The sovereignty of human rights
Oxford University Press, 2015
x, 259 pages ; 25 cm
International environmental law and the Global South
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xxiv, 631 pages ; 24 cm
Interpreting environmental offences : the need for certainty
Hart Publishing, 2015
xx, 236 pages ; 24 cm
Trials and tribulations : uncommon tales of the common law
Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 2015
xiii, 225 pages ; 23 cm
Lions under the throne : essays on the history of English public law
Cambridge University Press, 2015
x, 295 pages ; 24 cm
The court and the world : American law and the new global realities
Alfred A. Knopf, 2015
viii, 382 pages ; 25 cm
Imperial from the beginning : the constitution of the original executive
Yale University Press, 2015
x, 454 pages ; 25 cm
Sisters in law : how Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg went to the Supreme Court and changed the world
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, 2015
xxiii, 390 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Tigers without teeth : the pursuit of justice in contemporary China
Rowman & Littlefield, 2015
xiii, 261 pages ; 24 cm.
Comparative counter-terrorism law
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xvii, 819 pages ; 24 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.