37 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 2 from 2016:
L'acceÌs aÌ la justice pour les travailleuses domestiques migrantes : une illusion?
Les EÌditions TheÌmis, 2015
xv, 193 pages : forms ; 23 cm
An introduction to international arbitration
Cambridge University Press, 2015
lix, 336 pages ; 23 cm
Eradicating ecocide : laws and governance to prevent the destruction of our planet
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd, 2015
xx, 202 pages ; 22 cm
The heritage strategy planning handbook : an international primer
Dundurn Press, 1997
70 pages ; 23 cm
The trial of Galileo, 1612-1633
University of Toronto Press, 2012
xii, 210 pages : map ; 23 cm
NAFTA and the NAALC : twenty years of North American trade-labour linkage
Kluwer Law International, 2015
192 pages ; 24 cm
The unbounded level of the mind : Rod Macdonald's legal imagination
Published for the Faculty of Law, McGill University by McGill-Queen's University Press, 2015
xiv, 344 pages ; 24 cm
Did she kill him? : a Victorian tale of deception, adultery and arsenic
Abacus, 2015
419 pages, 8 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations, map, portraits, plan ; 20 cm
Understanding the Australian legal system
Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Ltd, 2015
xiii, 219 pages ; 22 cm.
Pour un droit de la famille adapteÌ aux nouvelles reÌaliteÌs conjugales et familiales
EÌditions TheÌmis, 2015
xxxiii, 794 pages ; 23 cm.
Principles of the English law of obligations
Oxford University Press, 2015
lxxiv, 403 pages ; 25 cm
Restatement of the law third, torts : intentional torts to persons.
The Executive Office, The American Law Institute, 2015
xviii, 181 pages ; 28 cm
Privacy rights in the global digital economy : legal problems and Canadian paths to justice
Irwin Law, 2014
x, 117 pages ; 23 cm
Droit de l'entreprise
Les eÌditions Narval, 2015
xiii, 516 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Canadian Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law : Cases, Text and Materials
Emond Montgomery Publications, 2015
xxxv, 965 pages ; 24 cm
The law of work : common law and the regulation of work
Emond Montgomery Publications, 2016
xiii, 482, 12, 10 pages ; 25 cm
Magna Carta and its gifts to Canada : democracy, law, and human rights
Dundurn Press, 2015
128 pages : colour illustrations ; 22 cm
The crown and Canadian federalism
Dundurn, 2013
336 pages : illustrations, portraits (some colour) ; 23 cm.
Principles of the law, government ethics.
Executive Office, the American Law Institute, 2015
xviii, 43 pages ; 28 cm
Police : selected issues in Canadian law enforcement
Golden Dog Press, 2002
v, 142 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Restatement of the law : the law of American Indians.
Executive Office, The American Law Institute, 2015
xvii, 172 pages ; 28 cm
The Queen at the council fire : the Treaty of Niagara, reconciliation, and the dignified Crown in Canada
Dundurn Press, 2015
183 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
His Majesty's Indian allies : British Indian policy in the defence of Canada, 1774-1815
Dundurn Press, 1992
294 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
La reÌsolution en ligne des conflits de consommation aÌ l'aune de l'acceÌs aÌ la justice
Les EÌditions TheÌmis, 2015
xiii, 227 pages ; 23 cm.
Policing the crisis : mugging, the state and law and order
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
xviii, 451 pages ; 24 cm.
The trial of Tempel Anneke : records of a witchcraft trial in Brunswick, Germany, 1663
Broadview Press, 2006
xlv, 174 pages : illustrations, maps ; 22 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.