21 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 4 from 2016:
United Nations handbook on selected issues in protecting the tax base of developing countries
United Nations, 2015
xxi, 568 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Writing reasons : a handbook for judges
Lexisnexis Canada, 2015
xiii, 158 pages ; 23 cm
United Nations Model Double Taxation Convention between developed and developing countries
United Nations, 2011
xiii, 483 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
United Nations handbook on selected issues in administration of double tax treaties for developing countries
United Nations, 2013
xxi, 401 pages ; 23 cm
Document registration guide
Lexisnexis Canada, 2016
1 volume, various pagings : forms ; 23 cm.
Defamation law
Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited, 2016
lxi, 424 pages ; 25 cm.
La gouvernance d'entreprise : aspects juridiques et pratiques
EÌditions Yvon Blais, 2015
xxix, 464 pages ; 24 cm
Intellectual property : text and essential cases
The Federation Press, 2015
l, 782 pages ; 24 cm
Discorde ou harceÌlement psychologique? : quand les relations professionnelles s'enveniment... : guide de gestion
EÌditions Yvon Blais, 2015
xxv, 213 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Accident/incident investigation in the workplace : a Canadian Labour Reporter special report
Carswell, 2015
xv, 103 pages ; 22 cm.
Le tribunal des droits de la personne : 25 ans d'expeÌrience en matieÌre d'eÌgaliteÌ.
EÌditions Yvon Blais : 2015
xiii, 318 pages ; 23 cm.
The politics of voting : reforming Canada's electoral system
Emond Montgomery Publications, 2007
xi, 209 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Reconciling sovereignties : aboriginal nations and Canada
Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan, 2012
xi, 169 pages ; 23 cm
The New Zealand Supreme Court : the first ten years
LexisNexis NZ Ltd, 2015
lxii, 521 pages, 14 unnumbered pages of plates : colour illustrations, portraits ; 25 cm
Defending class actions in Canada : a guide for defendants
Lexisnexis Canada, 2015
xxxvi, 289 pages ; 23 cm
Modern trial advocacy : analysis and practice
National Institute for Trial Advocacy, 2015
xxxi, 545 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Cross-examination : the art of the advocate
LexisNexis, 2016
xiii, 231 pages ; 22 cm.
Practice & procedure before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Carswell, 2015
xli, 322 pages ; 22 cm.
Homicide law reform in Victoria : retrospect and prospects
Federation Press, 2015
xxiii, 198 pages ; 24 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.