19 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 11 from 2016:
Legal education in the global context : opportunities and challenges
Ashgate Publishing, 2016
xxiii, 317 pages ; 24 cm.
Reassessing legal humanism and its claims : petere fontes?
Edinburgh University Press, 2016
xiii, 402 pages ; 25 cm.
The Greenland Mineral Resources Act : the law and practice of oil, gas and mining in Greenland
Djøf Publishing, 2015
658 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
The right wrong man : John Demjanjuk and the last great Nazi war crimes trial
Princeton University Press, 2016
331 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Teaching human rights in literary and cultural studies
The Modern Language Association of America, 2015
xii, 362 pages ; 23 cm.
Access to justice : beyond the policies and politics of austerity
Hart Publishing Limited, 2016
xix, 311 pages ; 24 cm
Women and Magna Carta : a treaty for rights or wrongs?
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
vii, 154 pages ; 23 cm.
The Glorious Revolution and the continuity of law
The Catholic University of America Press, 2014
xi, 304 pages ; 24 cm
Constitutional law of Scotland
W. Green/Thomson Reuters, 2015
xxxv, 334 pages ; 25 cm
Trotskyists on trial : free speech and political persecution since the age of FDR
New York University Press, 2015
ix, 293 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Exporting freedom : religious liberty and American power
Harvard University Press, 2016
286 pages ; 25 cm
The law that changed the face of America : the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
oulder, 2015
x, 230 pages ; 24 cm
Tying the autocrat's hands : the rise of the rule of law in China
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xii, 197 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
The right of self-determination of peoples : the domestication of an illusion
Cambridge University Press, 2015
x, 339 pages : maps ; 23 cm.
Indigenous peoples' governance of land and protected territories in the Arctic
Springer, 2016
xv, 256 pages ; illustrations ; 24 cm
Self-determination, statehood, and the law of negotiation : the case of Palestine
Hart Publishing, 2016
xviii, 238 pages : maps ; 24 cm
The Cambridge companion to international criminal law
Cambridge University Press, 2016
[xi], 408 pages ; 24 cm.
A world history of war crimes : from antiquity to the present
Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2016
viii, 289 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.