70 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 50 from 2016:
A theory of mediators' ethics : foundations, rationale, and application
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xxxi, 466 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
The fall of the priests and the rise of the lawyers
Hart Publishing Ltd, 2016
272 pages ; 25 cm
Lord Sumption and the limits of the law
Hart Publishing, 2016
xiv, 231 pages ; 24 cm
Protest, property and the commons : performances of law and resistance
Routledge, 2016
xxiv, 261 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The common law of obligations : divergence and unity
Hart Publishing, 2016
xxxvi, 331 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Rethinking corporate governance in financial institutions
Routledge, 2016
vi, 250 pages ; 24 cm.
Owning the world of ideas : intellectual property and global network capitalism
Sage Publications, 2015
xiii, 118 pages ; 22 cm.
Law in and as culture : intellectual property, minority rights, and the rights of indigenous peoples
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2016
viii, 190 pages ; 24 cm.
Making the case : the art of the judicial opinion
Yale University Press, 2016
xvii, 238 pages ; 22 cm
Philosophical foundations of constitutional law
Oxford University Press, 2016
vi, 332 pages ; 26 cm.
Citizenship, alienage and the modern constitutional state : a gendered history
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xiv, 289 pages ; 24 cm
The making of international human rights : the 1960s, decolonization, and the reconstruction of global values
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xi, 313 pages ; 24 cm.
Unleashing the force of law : legal mobilization, national security, and basic freedoms
Palgrave, 2016
xii, 225 pages ; 24 cm.
Indigenous peoples' status in the international legal system
Oxford University Press, 2016
xiv, 264 pages ; 25 cm
Literary trials : exceptio artis and theories of literature in court
Bloomsbury Academic, 2016
viii, 228 pages ; 24 cm
Notes toward a performative theory of assembly
Harvard University Press, 2015
248 pages ; 22 cm
Freedom of religion or belief : an international law commentary
Oxford University Press, 2016
xxxvii, 660 pages ; 26 cm
A question of balance : a study of legal equality and state neutrality in the United States, France, and the Netherlands
Lexington Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2016
vii, 167 pages ; 24 cm
Ctrl + Z : the right to be forgotten
New York University Press, 2016
xiii, 269 pages ; 24 cm
The new politics of immigration and the end of settler societies
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xii, 288 pages ; 23 cm
Sexuality, disability, and the law : beyond the last frontier?
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
209 pages ; 23 cm
Saviour siblings and the regulation of assisted reproductive technology : harm, ethics and law
Ashgate, 2015
x, 224 pages ; 24 cm
The WTO and international investment law : converging systems
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xiii, 311 pages ; 24 cm.
Trade in the service of sustainable development : linking trade to labour rights and environmental standards.
Hart Publishing, 2015
xxii, 192 pages ; 24 cm
The regulation of international trade
The MIT Press, 2016
volumes : illustrations ; 24 cm
Negative emotions and transitional justice
Columbia University Press, 2016
x, 223 pages ; 24 cm
Preventive detention of terror suspects : a new legal framework
Routledge, 2016
xxx, 295 pages ; 24 cm.
What's divine about divine law? : early perspectives
Princeton University Press, 2015
xv, 412 pages ; 25 cm
Shari'a in the modern era : Muslim minority jurisprudence
Cambridge University Press, 2016
ix, 213 pages ; 24 cm
NAFTA and sustainable development : history, experience, and prospects for reform
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xv, 414 pages ; 24 cm.
Responsibilities and liabilities for commercial activity in the Arctic : the example of Greenland
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
xiv, 261 pages ; 25 cm.
The safest shield : lectures, speeches and essays
Hart Publishing, 2015
xii, 368 pages ; 24 cm
The witches : Salem, 1692
Little, Brown and Company, 2015
xiv, 498 pages, 16 pages unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 25 cm
Perspectives on legal education : contemporary responses to the Lord Upjohn Lectures
Routledge, 2016
xiv, 261 pages ; 24 cm
On the battlefield of merit : Harvard Law School, the first century
Harvard University Press, 2015
xi, 666 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Gender remade : citizenship, suffrage, and public power in the new Northwest, 1879-1912
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xviii, 333 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
A parent-partner status for American family law
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xiv, 644 pages ; 24 cm
Accident benefits : a practical desk reference
Emond Montgomery Publications, 2016
xiv, 361 pages ; forms ; 23 cm.
In search of corporate accountability : liabilities of corporate performers
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015
vi, 402 pages ; 22 cm
Business organizations law
West Academic Publishing, 2016
xx, 779 pages : illustration ; 27 cm.
Directors' duties in Canada
Lexisnexis Canada, 2016
xlvi, 1143 pages : illustrations, forms ; 23 cm
Sexual exploitation of teenagers : adolescent development, discrimination, and consent law
The University of Chicago Press, 2016
361 pages ; 24 cm
Because of sex : one law, ten cases, and fifty years that changed American women's lives at work
St. Martin's Press, 2016
xi, 291 pages ; 25 cm
Gender nonconformity and the law
Yale University Press, 2016
viii, 248 pages ; 22 cm
Courtrooms and classrooms : a legal history of college access, 1860-1960
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016
248 pages ; 24 cm
The American Revolution, state sovereignty, and the American constitutional settlement, 1765-1800
Lexington Books, an imprint of the Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2016
xi, 259 pages ; 24 cm
Controlling administrative power : an historical comparison
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xxiii, 583 pages ; 24 cm
Tax by design : the Mirrlees review
Oxford University Press, 2011
xvii, 533 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Taxes on knowledge in America : exactions on the press from colonial times to the present
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994
xi, 319 pages ; 24 cm
Law at Little Big Horn : due process denied
Texas Tech University Press, 2016
xxxii, 315 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
The politics and jurisprudence of the Chaudhry Court, 2005-2013
Oxford University Press, 2015
xxix, 365 pages ; 23 cm
Making the modern criminal law : criminalization and civil order
Oxford University Press, 2016
ix, 340 pages ; 24 cm
Law and sexual misconduct in New England, 1650-1750 : steering toward England
Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2015
ix, 191 pages ; 24 cm
The power of the prosecutor : gatekeepers of the criminal justice system
Praeger, an imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC 2016
xiii, 227 pages ; 25 cm
Law and authority in the early middle ages : the Frankish leges in the Carolingian period
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xiv, 300 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Chinese law in imperial eyes : sovereignty, justice, & transcultural politics
Columbia University Press, 2016
xii, 400 pages ; 24 cm.
China's changing legal system : lawyers & judges on civil & criminal law
Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
xix, 264 pages ; 23 cm
Sixty years of the protection and development of human rights in China
Paths International Ltd ; 2015
iii, 467 pages ; 25 cm
Gender and the judiciary in Africa : from obscurity to parity?
Routledge, 2016
xv, 198 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The theory of self-determination
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xi, 245 pages ; 24 cm.
Custom's future : international law in a changing world
Cambridge University Press, 2016
xii, 379 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Toolbox for the application of the rules of targeting
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016
xxi, 442 pages ; 22 cm
The International Criminal Court and global social control : international criminal justice in late modernity
Routledge, 2016
xii, 162 pages ; 24 cm.
Contested justice : the politics and practice of International Criminal Court interventions
Cambridge University Press, 2015
xx, 504 pages ; 24 cm
John Donne & early modern legal culture : the end of equity in the Satyres
Duquesne University Press, 2015
ix, 245 pages ; 24 cm.

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.