The Osgoode Library now subscribes to the new library in HeinOnline: Religion and the Law. Consisting of more than 1,200 titles and 600,000 pages that include books, periodicals, and bibliographies, this collection provides a research platform for the development, history, organization, and fundamental principles of various world religions. The collection also includes the Christian Legal […]
Electronic Resources
Refresher sessions for Westlaw, Quicklaw/LexisNexis and CCH Online
Brush up on your online searching skills! The library is pleased to offer the following training sessions for upper year and graduate students: Westlaw: Wednesday, Feb. 25, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. Quicklaw/LexisNexis: Monday, March 2, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. CCH Online Wednesday March 18, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. All sessions will take place Room 2011. […]
New Content on HeinOnline (January 2015 Update)
Here's a shapshot of new and updated content added to HeinOnline last month, January 2015. Click the links for more detail on each library’s additions and updates. Law Journal Library: American Indian Journal Anaele Universitatii din Bucuresti: Seria Drept Curierul Judiciar Information & Communications Technology Law International Journal of the Legal Profession Journal of Indian Law […]
New Irwin Law Titles Available Online
The 2014 titles published by Irwin Law are available online including: Visit eBrary for the complete list of recent Irwin Law titles.
New LLMC Digital Titles Added to the Library Catalogue
130 new LLMC Digital titles have been added to the library catalogue. Access to the LLMC Digital database is available here. "LLMC, a non-profit cooperative of libraries, is dedicated to – and passionate about – its twin goals: 1) Preserving legal titles and government documents, and 2) Making this valuable content accessible and searchable."
BC Gazette Part II Now Available Online and Free of Charge
The British Columbia Gazette Part II is now available online and free of charge on the BC Laws website. The electronic version of the Gazette Part II has the complete text of all new, repealed and amended regulations deposited under the Regulations Act, RSBC 1996, c 402, in a fully-searchable format. It includes all issues from October […]
World Treaty Library: Now Available on HeinOnline
Various efforts have been put forth over the past decades to create a universal collection of all the treaties of the world. Now for the first time, through the cooperation of Tufts University, Brill Publishing, the United Nations and various others, you will be able to search across all the major treaties in the world in one database: […]
New HeinOnline Resources Added to the Library Catalogue
Approximately 4,700 new HeinOnline resources have been loaded to the library catalogue: HeinOnline Core Collection 263 new titles American Indian Law Collection 3 new titles Foreign Relations of the U.S. 5 new titles History of International Law 84 new titles Intellectual Property Law Collection 4 new titles Law Journal Library 32 new titles Scottish Legal […]
New HeinOnline Resources Added to the Catalogue
Approximately 3,600 new resources available via HeinOnline have been loaded to the library catalogue as follows: HeinOnline Core Collection 12 new titles American Indian Law Collection 2 new titles Foreign Relations of the U.S. 4 new title History of International Law 16 new titles Law Journal Library 29 new titles Scottish Legal History 2 new […]
Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals - Now Online!
The Osgoode Library now has access to the online version of this important series of international criminal law reports. Access is available to all members of the York University community via Passport York and no username/password is required. Annotated Leading Cases of International Criminal Tribunals provides you with the full text of the most important […]