Legal Research

News and information on conducting legal research, including workshops on using legal databases, searching in Omni, and understanding legal citation

Lexis Advanced Quicklaw Updates!

Lexis Advanced Quicklaw has recently made important updates, including an upgrade to Lexis Practice Advisor, and the migration of Canadian Legislative Pulse. Lexis Practice Advisor and Canadian Legislative Pulse can now be easily accessed through a single sign-in. With this new feature, users can switch from Quicklaw to Practice Advisor or Legislative Pulse using the […]

Indigenous Law Portal on LLMC Digital

Launching on the week of July 15th, the new Indigenous Law Portal on LLMC digital has given a boost to researching indigenous law. The portal is divided up by regions, with separate areas for Canada, the U.S., Mexico, and Central America. Within each region, it lists the various indigenous bands, as well as the leading […]

Library Research seminar slides now available

We hope that the students who attended yesterday’s Library Research Seminar found it helpful. Slides from the seminar are now available on the Library Research for Research Assistants research guide. If you have any questions or need help with your research this summer stop by the Reference desk in the library weekdays between 10 AM […]