100 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 20 from 2015:
The critical legal studies movement : another time, a greater task
Verso 2015
vii, 216 pages ; 21 cm
Comparative concepts of criminal law
Intersentia Uitgevers N V 2015
xvi, 282 pages ; 24 cm
A new introduction to comparative law
Oxford University Press 2015
xii, 284 pages ; 24 cm
Transnational legal orders
Cambridge University Press 2015
xii, 542 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Droit de la protection du consommateur : théorie et pratique
xxxii, 549 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Le courtage immobilier : aspects civils et déontologiques
xxii, 543 pages ; 23 cm
Faith on trial : Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science and the First Amendment
xi, 340 pages, 16 pages of plates ; 24 cm
Speak now : marriage equality on trial : the story of Hollingsworth v. Perry
Crown 2015
viii, 373 pages ; 25 cm
The moot court advisor's handbook : a guide for law students, faculty, and practitioners
xviii, 332 pages : forms ; 23 cm
The relevant lawyer : reimagining the future of the legal profession
xlix, 294 pages ; 23 cm
Virtual law practice : how to deliver legal services online
x, 341 pages : illustrations, forms ; 26 cm
Le pouvoir fédéral de dépenser ou Comment faire indirectement ce qu'on ne peut faire directement
xxiii, 346 pages ; 23 cm.
The complete American constitutionalism.
Oxford University Press, USA 2015
volumes ; 26 cm
Making race in the courtroom : the legal construction of three races in New Orleans
NYU Press 2014
xii, 249 pages ; 24 cm
L'extinction de l'obligation et la restitution des prestations : art. 1671 à 1707 C.c.Q. : extraits de La référence
xxiv, 319 pages ; 24 cm.
From England to France : felony and exile in the High Middle Ages
x, 223 pages ; 25 cm
The evolution of the land system in China : politicized law?
Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing 2014
275 pages ; 24 cm.
The abuse of innocence : the McMartin Preschool trial
Notable Trials Library, 1997
416 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan B. Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov., 1872, and on the trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin T. Marsh and William B. Hall, the inspectors of election by whom her vote was received.
Notable Trials Library, 1997
vii, 212 pages ; 24 cm.
The amazing crime and trial of Leopold and Loeb
Notable Trials Library, 1989
380 pages, [14] pages of plates : illustrations ; 20 cm.
The anatomy of a constitutional law case : Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer (the steel seizure decision)
Notable Trials Library, 1995
viii, 183 pages ; 22 cm.
The tragedy of Andersonville : trial of Captain Henry Wirz, the prison keeper
Notable Trials Library, 1990
511 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
The Assassination of President Lincoln and the trial of the conspirators ...
Notable Trials Library, 1989
421, [17] pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
The baccarat case : Gordon-Cumming v. Wilson and others
Notable Trials Library, 1992
xii, 294 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 22 cm.
Behind Bakke : affirmative action and the Supreme Court
Notable Trials Library, 1995
x, 266 pages ; 24 cm.
Bending the law : the story of the Dalkon Shield bankruptcy
Notable Trials Library, 1996
xii, 408 pages ; 24 cm.
The briar patch : the people of the state of New York v. Lumumba Shakur et al.
Notable Trials Library, 1998
282 pages ; 24 cm.
A brief narrative of the case and trial of John Peter Zenger, printer of the New York weekly journal
Notable Trials Library, 1989
238 pages. ; 22 cm.
Cannibalism and the common law : the story of the tragic last voyage of the Mignonette and the strange legal proceedings to which it gave rise
Notable Trials Library, 1990
xiv, 353 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Debaters and dynamiters : the story of the Haywood trial
Notable Trials Library, 1994
vii, 310 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The court-martial of the "Bounty" mutineers
Notable Trials Library, 1989
x, 202 pages, [10] leaves of plates : illustrations, portraits ; 22 cm.
Eden versus Whistler : the baronet & the butterfly : a valentine with a verdict.
Notable Trials Library, 1997
78 pages ; 22 cm.
The end of obscenity : the trials of Lady Chatterley, Tropic of Cancer, and Fanny Hill
Notable Trials Library, 1991
xix, 528 pages ; 22 cm.
Fighting faiths : the Abrams case, the Supreme Court, and free speech
Notable Trials Library, 1996
xiv, 431 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The Galileo affair : a documentary history
Notable Trials Library, 1991
xvi, 382 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The impeachment and trial of Andrew Johnson, seventeenth president of the United States : a history
Notable Trials Library, 1992
vii, 646 pages ; 21 cm.
Report of the Select committee of the Senate appointed to inquire into the late invasion and seizure of the public property at Harper's Ferry
Gryphon Editions, 1993
71, 255 p. 24 cm.
Jerry Falwell v. Larry Flynt : the First Amendment on trial
Notable Trials Library, 1991
336 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The king's trial : the French Revolution vs. Louis XVI
Notable Trials Library, 1993
xx, 275 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The Leo Frank case
Notable Trials Library, 1991
xix, 248, 19 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
The murder of Herodes and other trials from the Athenian law courts
Notable Trials Library, 1995
vii, 239 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
The murder of Stanford White
Notable Trials Library, 1996
270 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
The official report of the trial of Sarah Jane Robinson for the murder of Prince Arthur Freeman, in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts.
Notable Trials Library, 1993
469 pages ; 24 cm.
The Oppenheimer case : the trial of a security system
Notable Trials Library, 1992
xi, 281 pages ; 22 cm.
The papers & the papers : an account of the legal and political battle over the Pentagon papers
Notable Trials Library, 1996
xii, 340 pages ; 23 cm.
The People v. Clarence Darrow : the bribery trial of America's greatest lawyer
Notable Trials Library, 1995
xxix, 546 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Report of the case of Geo. C. Hersey : indicted for the murder of Betsy Frances Tirrell, before the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts : including the hearing on the motion in arrest of judgment, the prisoner's petition for a commutation of sentence, the death warrant, officer's return upon it, and the confession
Notable Trials Library, 1997
267 pages ; 24 cm.
A report of the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the opinions of the judges thereof, in the case of Dred Scott versus John F. A. Sandford, December term, 1856
Notable Trials Library, 1995
Pages 394-633 ; 23 cm.
Report of the trial of Professor John W. Webster
Notable Trials Library, 1990
vi, 314 pages ; 24 cm.
Report of the trial of William Henry Theodore Durrant : indicted for the murder of Blanche Lamont, before the Superior Court of the City and County of San Francisco : including a full history of the case ...
Notable Trials Library, 1996
vi, 214 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Reversal of fortune : inside the von Bülow case
Notable Trials Library, 1990
xxvi, 276 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations. ; 25 cm.
The Sacco-Vanzetti case
Notable Trials Library, 1990
xv, 550, xv pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.
Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's struggle for equality
Notable Trials Library, 1994
x, 823, xxiii pages, [4] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm.
"Somebody is lying" : the story of Dr. X
Notable Trials Library, 1994
xii, 367 pages ; 24 cm.
The trial of Aaron Burr for high treason, in the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Virginia, summer term, 1807 : comprising all the evidence and the opinions of the court upon all motions made in the various stages of the case, with abstracts of arguments of counsel : compiled from authentic reports made during the progress of the trial : to which is added an account of the subsequent proceedings against Burr, Blennerhassett, and Smith, in the same court : with notes by the compiler on the law of treason, as applicable to the existing rebellion : prefaced by a brief historical sketch of Burr's western expedition in 1806
Notable Trials Library, 1992
lii, 392 pages ; 23 cm.
The trial of Ezra Pound : a documented account of the treason case
Notable Trials Library, 1992
215 pages : facsimiles ; 22 cm.
Trial of Guy Fawkes and others : (the gunpowder plot)
Notable Trials Library, 1991
vi, 191 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 22 cm.
The trial of Jack Ruby
Macmillan, 1992
392 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations ; 24cm.
The trial of Jeanne d'Arc
Notable Trials Library, 1991
xiii, 544 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Trial of King Charles the First \
Notable trials library 1990
xii, 262 pages: frontispiece, plates, portraits, facsimiles; 22 cm.
Trial of Lizzie Borden
Notable Trials Library, 1989
xii, 433 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
The trial of Madame Caillaux
Notable Trials Library, 1995
xii, 296 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
The trial of Martin Luther King
Notable Trials Library, 1997
viii, 342 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
The trial of the assassin Guiteau : psychiatry and law in the gilded age
Notable Trials Library, 1996
xvii, 289 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
Trial of the officers and crew of the privateer Savannah on the charge of piracy : in the United States Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York : Hon. Judges Nelson and Shipman, presiding
Notable Trials Library, 1997
xxii, 385 pages ; 23cm.
The trial of the U2 : exclusive authorized account of the court proceedings of the case of Francis Gary Powers, heard before the Military Division of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, August 17, 18, 19, 1960 ;
Notable Trials Library, 1995
xxx, 158 pages : illustrations, portraits, maps ; 23 cm.
The trials of Oscar Wilde
Notable Trials Library, 1989
384 pages, [16] pages of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Unequal verdicts : the Central Park jogger trials
Notable Trials Library, 1994
335 pages : illustrations, 1 map ; 24 cm.
The world's most famous court trial : Tennessee evolution case : a word-for-word report of the famous court test of the Tennessee Anti-evolution Act, at Dayton, July 10 to 21, 1925, including speeches and arguments of attorneys, testimony of noted scientists, and Bryans's last speech.
Notable Trials Library, 1990
339 pages, [5] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.
The trial of St Thomas More
Notable Trials Library, 1993
xiv, 169 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
The Trial of William Joyce
Notable Trials Library, 1994
xii, 312 pages, [7] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Trial of Captain Kidd
Notable Trials Library, 1992
x, 223 pages, [5] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.
The trial of Hawley Harvey Crippen
Notable Trials Library, 1991
xxxv, 211 pages, 7 leaves of plates : illustrations, portraits ; 22 cm.
A crime of self-defense : Bernhard Goetz and the law on trial
Leslie B. Adams, Jr., 1991
xi, 253 pages ; 23 cm.
Trial of Mary Queen of Scots
Notable Trials Library, 1989
206 pages, [7] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Burke and Hare
Notable Trials Library, 1996
xi, 412 pages : plates, portraits ; 23 cm.
Evil angels
Notable Trials Library, Division of Gryphon Edition, 1992
560 pages ; 24 cm.
Justice on trial : the case of Louis D. Brandeis
Notable Trials Library, 1993
ix, 275 pages ; 22 cm.
The My Lai inquiry
Notable Trials Library, 1993
xii, 306 pages, [8] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Narratives of the witchcraft cases, 1648-1706,
Leslie B. Adams, Jr., 1992
xviii, 467 pages, 3 facsimiles 23 cm.
Our guys : the Glen Ridge rape and the secret life of the perfect suburb
Notable Trials Library, Division of Gryphon Editions, 1998
xi, 443 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Reckless disregard : Westmoreland v. CBS et al., Sharon v. Time
Notable Trials Library, 1994
243 pages ; 22 cm.
The trial of Bruno Richard Hauptmann
Notable Trials Library, 1989
vii, 565 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Roe v. Wade : the untold story of the landmark Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal
Notable Trials Library, 1994
xiv, 370 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations, portraits. ; 24 cm.
A slight case of libel : Meacher V. Trelford and others
Notable Trials Library, Division of Gryphon Edition, 1993
viii, 241 pages ; 24 cm.
Perjury : the Hiss-Chambers case
Notable Trials Library, 1995
xxi, 674 pages, [8] leaves of plates : illustrations ; 25 cm.
The Queen v Louis Riel : with an introduction by Desmond Morton.
Notable Trials Library, 1992
xxxv, 383 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.