41 new acquisitions in Osgoode Hall Law School Library, including 30 from 2015:
A Guide to sentencing resources in Alberta
Alberta Solicitor General, Correctional Services Division, 1983
1 volume (various pagings)
Rapport de la Commission d'enqueÌte sur le souleÌvement survenu au peÌnitencier de Kingston, en avril 1971
Information Canada, 1973
67 pages ; 28 cm
Ecolawgic : the logic of ecosystems and the rule of law
Fifth Forum Press, 2015
iii, 137 pages ; 23 cm.
The legal implications of Internet marketing : exploiting the digital marketplace within the boundaries of the law
EÌditions Yvon Blais, 2015
xxii, 226 pages ; 23 cm.
Bloody harvest : the killing of Falun Gong for their organs
Seraphim Editions, 2009
232 pages : illustrations, map ; 23 cm
Glanville Williams : learning the law
Sweet & Maxwell, Thomson Reuters, 2013
xiii, 287 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm
Introduction to public law : readings on the law, state, and constitution
Captus Press, 2015
ix, 336 pages ; 28 cm.
Burrows and Carter statute law in New Zealand
LexisNexis NZ Limited, 2015
cxvi, 706 pages ; 24 cm
6th annual bread and butter issues in family law.
Ontario Bar Association, Professional Development., 2015
1 volume (various pagings) : forms; 28 cm.
Assisted reproduction after death : parentage and implications
Alberta Law Reform Institute, 2015
xi, 70 pages ; 28 cm.
Final report : builders' lien act
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, 2013
41 pages.
Les meÌcanismes d'indemnisation des consommateurs dans l'industrie des services financiers au QueÌbec
EÌditions Yvon Blais, 2015
xxii, 273 pages ; 23 cm.
Commercial insolvency in Canada
LexisNexis Canada, 2015
xxiv, 450 pages ; 24 cm.
Employment and labour law toolbox : what Ontario employers need to know
Irwin Law, 2015
xvii, 170 pages ; 22 cm.
Dismissals in the unionized workplace : a Canadian labour reporter special report
Carswell, 2015
viii, 142 pages ; 22 cm.
Environmental law in New Zealand
Thomson Reuters, 2015
xvii, 1134 pages ; 24 cm
When good drugs go bad : opium, medicine, and the origins of Canada's drug laws
UBC Press, 2015
xi, 305 pages ; 24 cm
Taking stock of cyberbullying : a scan of the PEI context
Government of Prince Edward Island, 2014
58 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm.
The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act : a commentary
LexisNexis NZ Limited, 2015
cci, 1889 pages ; 24 cm
Fundamentals of Caribbean constitutional law
Sweet & Maxwell, 2015
lvi, 517 pages ; 24 cm
Discussion paper : seniors-only housing
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, 2010
28 pages ; 28 cm.
Introduction to international tax in Canada
Carswell, 2015
xxiii, 1095 pages ; 23 cm.
PreÌcis de proceÌdure civile du QueÌbec
EÌditions Yvon Blais, 2015
2 volumes ; 24 cm
Exclusionary provisions in the uniform evidence law
Thomson Reuters, 2015
xxv, 249 pages ; 24 cm.
Litigation costs.
Ontario Bar Association, Continuing Professional Development, 2015
1 volume (various pagings) forms ; 30 cm.
Final report : enforcement of civil judgments
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia, 2014
135 pages.
Mediation : skills and strategies
LexisNexis NZ Limited, 2015
xvi, 447 pages ; 24 cm
La culpabiliteÌ : traiteÌ de droit criminel, tome 2
EÌditions TheÌmis, 2014
xvi, 790 pages ; 23 cm.
La peine : traiteÌ de droit criminel, tome 3
EÌditions TheÌmis, 2012
xvi, 719 pages ; 23 cm.
False security : the radicalization of Canadian anti-terrorism
Irwin Law, 2015
xvi, 612 pages ; 23 cm.
Mock enforcement : the failure to enforce the law on Israeli civilians in the West Bank.
Yesh-Din, 2015
154 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Locating U.S. government information handbook
William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2015
xiv, 279 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm

Some books have cover images provided by Google.
All other data © Osgoode Hall Law School.