If you are looking for Canadian content, the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL) is a good resource to consult as it contains references to articles and cases. ICLL can be found in the WestlawNext database under the Finding Tools section.
If the citation is blue or hyperlinked, it means the full-text article is available directly through the database as we see in the example below. To access the article, just click on the link.
What happens if it’s not hyperlinked? In this case, you will need to navigate to the article to obtain the full-text. Let’s use the following example:
To locate this article, note the following information from the citation and follow the general steps below:
Title of the journal: J.L. & Equality (i.e. Journal of Law & Equality)
Year: 2019
Volume number: 15
Page numbers: 69-94
Go to the Law Library home page and select Find a Journal on the homepage
Browse or search for the journal
Select the option that falls under the appropriate date range
For this particular example, selecting the HeinOnline or Scholars Portal option is appropriate since the article is from 2019
Click on one of the access options and navigate to the article by volume or year, followed by the title and page numbers.
In this case, I selected the HeinOnline option and navigated to Volume 15 (2019) to find the article.
Click on the hyperlink or PDF icon to access the full-text article.
I hope that provided a good overview on how to locate an article if it is not readily available in the ICLL database. If you have questions or have trouble finding the full-text version of an article, please email the Reference Desk at lawref@osgoode.yorku.ca and we will be happy to assist you.