Staying sharp over the summer: law blogs edition

We’re well into summer now, and whether you’re wilting in the heat or have considered proposing marriage to your air conditioner, you may be interested in some reading material between the spring and fall terms. With that in mind, we’ve put together a short list of blogs that may catch your interest - some will no doubt be known to you, but we hope this list will include a few new options:

Slaw - Canada’s online legal magazine

  • Founded in 2005, Slaw is a go-to for Canadian legal professionals, paraprofessionals, and others working in the legal field. Slaw’s diverse group of contributors provide columns on the practice of law, notable changes in provincial and federal legislation, legal librarianship, legal technology, and book reviews.

Canadian Law of Work Forum

  • The Canadian Law of Work Forum takes on issues in labour and employment law in Canada and in select foreign jurisdictions. Their Student Blogger Initiative accepts submissions from law students and graduate students of law, and provides an honorarium if the piece is selected for publication. 

Michael Geist’s blog

  • Dr. Geist is a well-known name in Canadian technology law, and writes frequently on the intersection of privacy and technology law. Of special note are his discussions on net neutrality and surveillance.


  • The Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice is a multidisciplinary legal organization dedicated to the administration of justice as a public service. Their blog takes on topics ranging from data sovereignty during COVID-19, the role of emotion in the courtroom, and the intersection of mental illness and the law. (Also of note: CAIJ-ICAJ was first housed at Osgoode Hall Law School at the time of its founding in 1974.)


  • Reconciliation Syllabus is a blog and repository for sharing teaching and learning resources about Indigenous legal topics and Aboriginal law. They invite law professors across Canada to share resources and pedagogies that support recommendation 28 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action (the call for law educators and students of law to rethink both what and how law is taught in Canada’s law schools - see page 3).