290 new LLMC Digital titles have been added to the library catalogue. Access to the LLMC Digital database is available here. "LLMC, a non-profit cooperative of libraries, is dedicated to – and passionate about – its twin goals: 1) Preserving legal titles and government documents, and 2) Making this valuable content accessible and searchable."
Electronic Resources
New HeinOnline Resources Added to the Catalogue
Approximately 3,600 new resources available via HeinOnline have been loaded to the library catalogue as follows: HeinOnline Core Collection 138 new titles American Indian Law Collection 7 new titles Foreign Relations of the U.S. 4 new title History of International Law 63 new titles Law Journal Library 35 new titles U.S. Congressional Documents 2,581 new […]
BC Laws & Legislative Documents -- Now Comprehensive and Free on the Web
British Columbia laws and legislative documents, once available only in the content-rich and highly functional but subscription-based service called QP LegalEze, is now available to everyone free on the web in a new service called BC Laws. We congratulate the BC Queen's Printer on this exciting development, another landmark example of Canadian leadership in the […]
Oxford Handbooks Online
The Osgoode Library has acquired the complete collection of law-related Oxford Handbooks Online and the records for the individual titles have been uploaded to the online library catalogue. Oxford Handbooks Online brings together the world's leading scholars to write review essays that evaluate the current thinking on a field or topic, and make an original argument about the […]
More E-books Developments
Some of the library’s e-books are provided to us through Scholars Portal. The way to access the Scholars Portal books is different from the way we access books on the ebrary platform. You can tell that the book is a Scholars Portal e-book if you see "Borrow this E-Book" above the cover image of a […]
Spring has sprung - now start studying!
It's the first day of spring (just don't look outside), and of course that means that if you haven't started to feel the end-of-term crunch, you will (and probably should!) very soon. Of course, the library should be a major focal point for your study and research (if it's not, for shame!), and we're here […]
Eastern European and CIS Law
Given the near-ubiquity of Ukraine and Russia, along with the attendant complicated history and politics that run deep between them, in the news over the past weeks and months, it would seem that it would be a good time to do a brief blog post on available resources for legal research former Soviet CIS (Commenwealth […]
Refugee Appeal Division Decisions Now Available on Quicklaw
The Refugee Appeal Division (RAD), fourth division of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, was launched on December 15, 2012 and started releasing decisions mid last year. This new division considers appeals against decisions of the Refugee Protection Division to allow or reject claims for refugee protection. All decisions of the Refugee Appeal Division are now available on […]
Scottish Law - More different than you might think!
Having just returned from Scotland this past week, I feel compelled to write about Scots law which, though it is part of the UK (for now), is markedly different from English law. With the referendum on Scottish independence set for September 18 of this year, there has been a tremendous amount of discussion into the […]
New LLMC Resources Added to the Catalogue
59 new LLMC Digital titles have been added to the library catalogue. Access to the LLMC Digital database is available here. "LLMC, a non-profit cooperative of libraries, is dedicated to – and passionate about – its twin goals: 1) Preserving legal titles and government documents, and 2) Making this valuable content accessible and searchable."