Electronic Resources

News and updates about electronic resources at Osgoode Library

Case Law from Fastcase Now Integrated into HeinOnline

HeinOnline has recently announced a partnership with Fastcase to provide links to full-text copies of US federal and state cases from citations in articles on the HeinOnline service. Fastcase, which provides access to full-text primary law for US federal and all 50 state jurisdictions, is a leading next-generation legal research service that features powerful “best-case-first” […]

Catalogue Records for Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources

The records for the 675 titles available in the Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources have been loaded into the law library catalogue. This collection provides access to historical legal codes, statutes, regulations, and commentaries on codes from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and other countries in northern Europe and the law library has […]

Canadian booze regulation - a chequered history

The state of Canadian liquor laws and regulations is something that occasionally crops up in op-eds across the country, but then quietly fades away only to flare up again periodically. Although Prohibition in the popular consciousness has a distinctly American flavour, evoking images of Al Capone, speakeasies, and bathtub gin (as an era, it certainly […]