Osgoode Digital Commons: Reader Snapshot

December 2017 Last month, Osgoode Digital Commons had 37,864 full-text downloads and 13 new submissions were posted, bringing the total works in the repository to 16,854. Osgoode Hall Law School of York University scholarship was read by 1,977 institutions across 169 countries. The most popular papers were: Self-Interest, Public Interest, and the Interests of the […]

Library tour

Curious about how the library can help you? Come to a library tour on Wednesday, Jan. 17, from 1:00-1:30 PM. We will show you around the library, tell you about the resources available to you, and answer any questions you might have. Meet the Reference desk in the library at 1:00 PM!    

Lexis Advance Quicklaw training

The library is pleased to offer Lexis Advance Quicklaw training on Monday, Feb. 5 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. The session will take place in Room 2011. Find out what resources are unique to Quicklaw and not available on Westlaw. To register please send a message to library@osgoode.yorku.ca with Lexis Advance Quicklaw training in […]

WestlawNext Canada training

Brush up on your online searching skills! The library is pleased to offer a  Westlaw training session on  Wednesday, January 24, from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. The session will take place Room 2011. To register email library@osgoode.yorku.ca. Please put Westlaw training in the subject. Hope to see you there!

Past Exams - Online & Print

Past exams come very handy and useful at this time of the year. To access them online, on the My Osgoode page under the subheading "Student Services", select "Exams & Assignments", then "Exam Archive". Print version for previous years are available on the last shelf in the Upper Floor of the Law Library. Good luck!