Legal Research

News and information on conducting legal research, including workshops on using legal databases, searching in Omni, and understanding legal citation

Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Final Report (1966) and Documents Now Online

In recognition of the twentieth anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP), and just in time for the Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future National Forum currently underway in Winnipeg , Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has digitized and made available not just the full text of the Royal Commission’s 5-volume Final Report, but […]

Canadian Provincial Statutes Now Available on HeinOnline

A comprehensive collection of Canadian provincial statutes in digital format is now available in the new Provincial Statutes of Canada library on HeinOnline. The collection includes statutes, both public and private, for all ten Canadian provinces (though not – yet? – the three territories) in PDF copies of the official statute volumes as published by […]

New HeinOnline Library: Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture and Law

We are pleased to announce that we now have access to this new library on HeinOnline.  Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, edited by Paul Finkelman with the assistance of Hein’s editorial staff, brings together for the first time all known legal materials on slavery in the United States and the […]

WestlawNext Canada training

The library is pleased to offer WestlawNext Canada training next Monday, October 17 from 12:30 PM. to 2:00 PM. in Room 2011. WestlawNext Canada offers access to unique content, similar but different to Lexis Advance Quicklaw. Knowing which sources are available on the different services will help you do your legal research effectively. Reserve your […]

New Resource: Australian Law Reform Commission Library on HeinOnline

Osgoode has always prided itself on innovative approaches to law and teaching. As host to the Law Commission of Ontario (LCO), Osgoode has a commitment to law reform initiatives everywhere. Better to support these research ideals, the Osgoode Library now subscribes to the Australian Law Reform Commission Library on HeinOnline. The Australian Law Reform Commission […]