We’re well into summer now, and whether you’re wilting in the heat or have considered proposing marriage to your air conditioner, you may be interested in some reading material between the spring and fall terms. With that in mind, we’ve put together a short list of blogs that may catch your interest.
Doing research on historical Canadian statutes? Look no further!
The Law Library has access to many wonderful resources for historical debates, bills, statutes and many other legislative materials, both federal, provincial and territorial. These are a few of the most-used resources: HeinOnline LLMC Digital Canadian Parliamentary Historical Resources Early Canadiana Online Internet Archive To access links to specific resources and to see what other […]
Pride Month Digital Display
As Pride Month draws to a close, the Osgoode Hall Law Library has created a digital book display to honour the histories, issues, and legal milestones of the LGBTQ+ community in Canada. Join us in celebration by reviewing our selection of eBooks from the Osgoode and York University Libraries collection. The display can be viewed […]
How to Locate a Full-Text Article in the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL)
If you are looking for Canadian content, the Index to Canadian Legal Literature (ICLL) is a good resource to consult as it contains references to articles and cases. ICLL can be found in the WestlawNext database under the Finding Tools section. If the citation is blue or hyperlinked, it means the full-text article is available directly through the database as we see in the example below. To access the article, just click […]
Osgoode Digital Commons Readership Snapshot
May 2021 Last month, the Osgoode Digital Commons received 53,622 full-text downloads and 26 new submissions, bringing the total works in the repository to 18,241. Osgoode Hall Law School of York University scholarship was read by 1,975 institutions across 187 countries. The most popular papers were: Book Review: Are Prisons Obsolete?, by Angela Y. Davis […]
Stay up to date with the Covid 19 and the Law research guide
Since in March 2020, the Covid 19 and the Law research guide has been documenting regulatory responses to the pandemic. While placing special emphasis on the Canadian federal government, the Government of Ontario and the City of Toronto, the guide also provides links to other provinces and territories, the U.S, other countries and regions as […]
New! Virtual Reference Drop-in Service
The Law Library is excited to announce that we will be launching a new virtual reference drop-in service starting June 1, 2021. The virtual reference drop-in service will enable individuals to seek reference assistance more readily and speak to a Reference Librarian directly. It will be on a first come, first served basis similar to the in-person reference desk in the library. Once […]
Summer Hours
The Law Library will be reducing its curbside pickup hours on Fridays for the summer. Beginning this Friday, May 21st, and continuing every Friday until September 3rd, curbside hours will end at 3:45 pm. For more information on the library's hours and our services, head to the Osgoode Hall Law Library website.
Osgoode Digital Commons Readership Snapshot
April 2021 Last month, the Osgoode Digital Commons received 67,752 full-text downloads and 64 new submissions, bringing the total works in the repository to 18,217. Osgoode Hall Law School of York University scholarship was read by 2,194 institutions across 177 countries. The most popular papers were: Book Review: Are Prisons Obsolete?, by Angela Y. Davis […]
Canadian Human Rights Reporter now available on CanLii
In December 2020, Canadian Human Rights Reporter (CHRR), a valued resource for human rights law in Canada, ceased publication after 40 years. While this was a loss to the Canadian legal research community, it was followed with the news that the contents of the publication would soon be made available on CanLii. As of this […]